Jones Park
The newest addition to the Town of Algoma is Jones Park located at the north end of Addie Parkway. This park has something to offer everyone. It boasts playground equipment, walking trails, workout stations, benches, for relaxing and enjoying nature, a tennis/pickleball court, and a basketball court. There is also a large covered pavilion that is available on a first come first serve basis for special occasions.

A capital campaign was held in 2018 and 2019 to raise revenues to help build Jones Park. It was a great success with over 75 separate donors comprised of businesses, organizations, families, and individuals. Nearly $100,000 in monetary donations were received, plus several thousand dollars were donated in plants and construction in-kind. Jones Park Donors (PDF). If would like to donate to the park, please contact the Town Hall for more information.
Ryan Gohde added a Gaga Pit to Jones Park. Ryan raised the funds, secured donations, ordered the materials, and erected the pit in the summer of 2020. He built the Gaga Pit to fulfill a requirement as he pursues his Eagle Scout Badge. He is part of BSA Troop 615. A plaque acknowledging the donors has been attached to the pit, along with a set of rules for playing the game. Enjoy!
The newest addition to Jones Park are the Pollination Gardens constructed by Jarrett Schiedemeyer during the summer of 2021. Jarrett raised the funds to complete this project as a requirement to obtain his Eagle Scout Badge. He was also part of BSA Troop 615. Petey Clark donates her time to maintain the pollination garden. Enjoy the flowers!!

Kewaunee Park
Kewaunee Park is a small neighborhood park located on the east side of Kewaunee Street in the NE Corner of the Town. It offers a variety of playground equipment and a large mowed grass area in which to play soccer, football, or other outdoor sports.

Town Hall Park
Town Hall Park, adjacent to the Town Hall, is undergoing significant improvements. New play equipment and benches were added in 2019 and other amenities, such as bike racks, a volleyball net, and soccer nets will be added in 2020. The landscaping around the playground has been completed. Town Hall Park has already proven to be a popular recreational area for residents and visitors.

Sheldon Nature Area
The Sheldon Nature Area is a beautiful destination to enjoy everything nature has to offer. It is a 26 acre outdoor classroom that adjoins the Oakwood School Property to the West. While it is owned and maintained by the Oshkosh Area School District, visitors are welcome during daytime hours. Visitors an access the nature preserve from Omro Road and Sheldon Drive. For more information, please visit their Facebook Page at: https://www.facebook.com/Sheldon-Nature-Area-1412879372301774
Other Amenities
There is a Public Landing with fishing pier located at the north end of Oakwood Road that can be used to access Lake Butte des Morts. It contains a dock and tapered entrance for launching a small boat or kayak. No parking is available at the landing or along either side of Oakwood Road, so please be mindful of the neighbors when using the landing.

There is a wooden bridge that connects Rasmussen Road and Westbreeze Drive. The Westbreeze Boardwalk gives walkers and bike riders the opportunity to travel to multiple areas of the town without using one of the busier neighborhood streets.

Donations are being accepted for trees to memorialize a family member or friend. For more information on making a donation, please click on Memorial Tree Application (PDF) and Memorial Tree Program (PDF).