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Leonard Point Road & Highway 21 Roundabout

Planning is underway for a 2-lane, 4-leg roundabout at Leonard Point Road and State Highway 21 (STH 21). This much-anticipated project is now scheduled for 2026. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) has hired engineers from Westwood Professional Services, Inc. to design the roundabout.

Project Cost

The total project cost is $6.3 million, which covers the redesign and regrading of STH 21 to the east and west of the roundabout and the construction of the roundabout itself.

The State of Wisconsin is paying $5.53 million for:

  • 100% of the cost to redesign STH 21
  • 75% of the roundabout cost

The Town of Algoma is paying $775,000 for:

  • 25% of the roundabout (the southbound leg)
  • The Town secured a grant from Winnebago County through its Spirit Fund to cover half of the Town’s cost ($387,500)

The Town is investing in the southbound leg because it will allow valuable access to 300 acres of land south of the intersection. This land is planned for mixed-use development.

Learn More

This project is part of “Wis 21 Resurfacing” through the WisDOT. Current project information is available on the WisDOT projects website.

Leonard Point Road Reconstruction

The Town of Algoma has hired engineers from McMahon Associates to design a portion of Leonard Point Road that extends from State Highway 21 to Highland Shore Lane.

This project is now scheduled for construction in 2027 (it was originally planned for 2026).

Project Description

Leonard Point Road has not had any major repairs in over 20 years. With increased pedestrian and vehicle traffic, improvements are needed to address safety and function, especially on the north-end curves. This section of Leonard Point Road will have the same profile as Omro Road.

Each side of the reconstructed road will consist of:

  • 11′ asphalt travel lanes
  • 5′ wide bike lanes
  • 7′ wide terraces
  • 5′ sidewalks
  • Curb and gutter with storm sewer

A regional pond is being proposed near the current curve to treat stormwater collected from the storm sewer system.

Project Cost

The original total project cost was $5.6 million for 1.3 miles of reconstruction. Constructing one year later increases the estimated total cost by 5% to $5.8 million.

  • The Federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (passed in November 2021) will pay for approximately 72% of the project ($4.2 million).
  • The Town will pay for the remaining 28% ($1.6 million) through bonding.

Project Documents

Updated/Current Project Documents

The following documents reflect the change of construction year to 2027:

August 15, 2024 Letter to Project Residents

Original Project Documents

The following documents reflect the original construction year of 2026:

Public Involvement Plan

Project Location Map

Project Schedule

April 4, 2024 Open House Notice

TIF District

Project Description

The Town of Algoma recently created its first Tax Incremental Finance (TIF) District (also referred to as TID) to promote development on the four vacant parcels on S. Oakwood Road and to facilitate redevelopment of current Town Hall parcels. The Project Area Map is available in the Project Documents section below. This area is a proposed In Need of Rehabilitation or Conservation District comprised of approximately eleven acres along the Oakwood Road corridor.

The District serves two purposes:

  1. Facilitates the development of a medical facility by OSMS Real Estate by extending water service from the corner of Witzel Avenue and N. Oakwood Road further south.
  2. Provides a future financial tool to aid in the long-term redevelopment of Town owned property (subject to Town approval).
    • There are no specific redevelopment plans in place at the time of this District’s creation, but its existence supports our longer-term goals.

The Draft Project Plan (also linked below) details the projects, costs, and the projected increase in property tax generated by the OSMS facility.

Approval Timeline

April 10, 2024

  • The Joint Review Board (which comprises representatives from the four overlying taxing jurisdictions – Oshkosh Area School District, Fox Valley Technical College, Winnebago County, Town of Algoma – and one citizen member appointed by the Town of Algoma) meets to review the Draft Project Plan.
  • The Town of Algoma’s Planning Commission holds a public hearing on creating the Tax Incremental Finance District and approves a resolution for the project plan and boundary establishment.

May 15, 2024

  • The Town Board approves a resolution to approve the TID project plan and establish boundaries.

June 5, 2024

  • The Joint Review Board meets again and approves the final resolution creating the District.

Project Documents

Draft Project Plan: Tax Incremental Finance District No. 1

Project Area Map

April 10, 2024: Public Hearing Notice

April 10, 2024: Joint Review Board Agenda

April 10, 2024: Planning Commission Agenda

Resolution No. 2024-2: Creating Tax Increment District No. 1, Approving its Project Plan, and Establishing its Boundaries

June 5, 2024: Joint Review Board Agenda

Joint Review Board Resolution Approving the Creation of Tax Increment District No. 1

Bellhaven Iron Enhanced Sand Filter Pond

The Town of Algoma’s approved 2018 Stormwater Management Plan addresses a variety of strategies, actions, and infrastructure projects to help meet water quality permit requirements. One of the needs identified in this plan was a stormwater treatment facility in the Bellhaven neighborhood. To address this need, the Town is constructing the Bellhaven Iron Enhanced Sand Filter Pond to treat stormwater before it reaches Lake Butte des Morts.

Project Description

Due to the high water table in this location, a sand filter pond concept is the most suitable solution for stormwater treatment. Stormwater containing debris and chemicals will enter the filtration system and soak through the sand to an outfall pipe that will take the treated water to the lake. The iron additive will remove any phosphorus, the primary cause of algae buildup in our lakes and streams.

Project Timeline

March 2024

  • Project approval received from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
  • The project is put out for bidding.

April 2024

  • Project contract awarded by the Town Board.

Summer 2024

  • Construction of the sand filter.
  • Installation of the outfall pipe through the Bellhaven Lane cul-du-sac.

September 2024

  • Projected completion of construction and installation.


  • Planting of a native prairie seed mix around the pond rim to improve aesthetics and attract birds and insects.

Project Cost

The Town received a $150,000 grant from the Wisconsin DNR to pay for approximately half of the project.

The Town will pay for the other half of the project with its remaining allocation of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) 2021 funding.

Project Documents

Project Location Map

Project Description

Outfall Location

Project Schedule